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What We Love About Wix

Updated: Mar 27, 2023

10 Reasons We Love Wix

10 Reasons We Love Wix  by Stack Strategies

Stack Strategies Co. builds websites on two platforms -- Wix and Travefy. As a small business digital marketing agency, it is a bold statement to others when we turn away any website design requests that differ from these tools. We want to help as many small businesses as we can, but we have placed our confidence in the tools selected as our chosen website design partners.

We could go on forever about why Wix is our preferred website partner. But lucky for you, we have summed it up to our top ten reasons why we love Wix!


What about WordPress?

Before we get into our top reasons, we must address the elephant in the room -- WordPress. If you ask SS, WordPress is so 2000s. Once WP released Gutenberg the Block Editor, sure, it made it easier for non-coders to build. BUT, the tool has so many restrictions. The only way WP works well is by building plug-ins, which often have additional costs, to make the website innovative and modern.

Every old-school web designer would argue and defend WordPress "the best" just as they have since they learned to code in the 80s. We will just leave it at this... It is NOT easy to make a WordPress website, and furthermore, it does not offer the benefits that Wix can. WordPress requires a lot of additional work and tools.


Who does Wix work best for?

Stack Strategies advocates for small businesses nationwide. The small businesses we help are usually individuals who run the businesses on his or her own. Occasionally, there's an assistant or a few employees involved. From our point of view, we are looking for a website product that helps business owners develop a digital tool that helps their business operations.

The way Wix helps business owners manage and operate their websites makes it superior to all other website tools.

What does Wix do that makes it so valuable? Here are our top ten reasons we love Wix...


Top 10 Reasons We Love Wix

10. Customization -- Wix provides a tool for a completely custom website. Every website SS has ever built has been created uniquely based on a blank canvas. We believe custom websites are most successful when there is a consistent, unique brand to base the website on. Wix's website builder accommodates to suit every brand.

Here are some recent website launches created by Stack Strategies Co.:

9. Business Growth -- Once a Wix website is completed and launched by Stack Strategies, you can trust it was created for growth. We business owners, and possibly their teams, need to manage the site. Business owners feel confident and empowered to make changes as they need to as their business grows. Through Wix, business owners can add products and services to their existing business plans.

8. Wix Website Free and Paid Apps -- If Wix doesn't provide a tool to make your website work in a certain way, it's almost certain Wix has an app available for free or sometimes for a low-cost purchase. For example, if you wanted to collect reviews on your website and be able to approve/deny them on your site, we use a free plug-in to make that whole review scenario possible. As another example, business owners who are ready to sell branded merchandise on you could add the store and use an app to add in the merchandise. The options are truly endless.

10 Reasons We Love Wix | Phone with cut out icons

7. Search Engine Optimization -- SS properly SEO titles and tags websites pages on sites we build, and after we launch, we plug the site into Google Search Console to help boost your business online. Some web designers may charge a monthly fee to "maintain" your SEO, but we feel once it's set up correctly with Wix, it should continue to boost itself as you continue marketing your business and website elsewhere.

6. Collecting subscribers -- Asking your clients to stay in touch is easy when you have so many options through Wix. When building a website, we politely ask visitors to stay in touch by joining your email list. Building your database is imperative to getting more clients!

5. Email Marketing tools -- Let's start by referencing automation emails. Stack Strategies sets up an automation email to be sent immediately to your subscribers after he or she signs up. Wix offers other email automation options for blogging, events, sales, and more!

In addition to automation emails, Wix offers email marketing tools for one-time campaigns. Every website has three free campaigns available per month. SS provides graphics to help make creating the email easy! Wix also has great seasonal templates. These tools help you stay in touch.

4. Blogging -- Blogging is great because by sharing a blog post, the content can multiply in your marketing plan. When you post a blog, your blog emails your subscribers. That post can also be shared to clients on social media.

Here is Stack Strategies blog as an example of how a blog looks and works!

Stack Strategies Blogs Preview

3. WIX Analytics -- Wix's reporting system is great to track traffic and how your website is working! The report details where traffic is coming from, how often, and what's most attractive to visitors. Reports like these help business owners feel confident in the traffic the website is earning. These reports help us determine how the business's marketing plan is performing.

Here is an example of the reporting tool within Wix:

Stack Strategies | SEO Analytics with WIX

2. The Wix App -- Managing your blog, emails, and website reports is easily done on the go with the Wix Owners App. During our website build process, we coach business owners to download the app, sign in and manage. SS understands how important it is to manage your business from your fingertips.

1. Being a Wix Partner -- SS is incredibly passionate about helping small business owners. Our business wouldn't be possible without Wix's tools and we're honored to be an elite Wix Partner who is authorized to build these tools. Helping others get control of their business by using these tools is the best part for us.


Stack Strategies has built about 40 Wix Websites since we started our small business digital marketing company in September 2020. Stack Strategies is proud to be a Wix Elite Partner! We're working hard to become "Legendary Status" with Wix. We'll get there soon!

To start building your Wix website with SS, please schedule a consultation with us here. You can learn more about our Wix Website services here.

Happy business building, fellow business owners! Until next time!


Stack Strategies Co. is an online digital marketing company based in Cleveland, Ohio. Stack Strategies creates custom WIX websites, travel agent websites with Travefy, and email automations and digital tools on a variety of platforms! SS leads the way in small business marketing by sharing tips and tricks on our Behind the Strategies Marketing Blog. Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Alignable for business-building inspiration. Or contact SS for your next project!

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